The Exhaustive Sports Vision Library
This reference list is an attempt to aggregate as much of the existing literature on topics that would be considered ‘sports vision’ as possible. Most simply this tends to be vision research with athletes, but areas of the supporting neuroscience, technology, and eye care are also considered. This includes peer-reviewed articles, meta-analyses and systematic reviews, books, and PhD/ Master’s theses that report on vision, attention, optometric, neural, eye tracking, visual-motor control, and visual neuroscience research and theory, as applied to athletes, broadly. This is not yet a completed and comprehensive reference list and we are asking your help to get it there. Please take a moment and look over the entries and let us know if there are any we missed, listed incorrectly or possibly should not have included. Once this library is ‘complete’ we welcome public use of the information, but at the moment we are asking for your help to vet, update and expand our initial attempt.
To compile this bibliography, these are the steps we took.
The end result of this is a curated library that builds on the 2011 AOA Sports Vision Section Bibliography, in an attempt to capture this emerging. This is an EXHAUSTIVE bibliography, because it exhausted our capacity to build it, and now we ask for your help. Please note that this is NOT A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH, but rather a thoughtful first attempt to aggregate the literature, whose boundary conditions are not well defined, have changed over time, and will continue to change. Please review the entries and let us know if you think we missed any deserving articles, theses or books. Any convincing argument will be considered, so please email [email protected] with your input.
To compile this bibliography, these are the steps we took.
- Preliminary definition of boundary conditions for the bibliography including ‘sports vision’, ‘sports vision training’, ‘optometry and athletes’, ‘sports and visual neuroscience’, ‘perceptual cognitive training’, ‘sports + anticipation/attention/eye movements/EEG’.
- Listed 2011 AOA Sports Vision Section Bibliography as a starting point
- Conducted keyword searches on PubMed, Web of Science for references with the MeSH terms; “sport+vision”, “sports+attention”, “sports+neuroscience”,
- Selected a short list of ‘foundational’ sports vision articles that were included in the bibliography along with subjectively relevant citations from these articles. Some examples of these articles include
- Mann, et al., (2007). "Perceptual-cognitive expertise in sport: a meta-analysis." Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Voss, metal., (2010). "Are Expert Athletes Expert in the Cognitive Laboratory? A meta-analytic Review of Cognition and Sport Expertise." Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Williams & Ford (2008). "Expertise and expert performance in sport." International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Appelbaum & Erickson (2018). "Sports vision training: A review of the state-of-the-art in digital training techniques." International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Compiled references from articles, grant applications and other sources relating to research in the Duke OptiLab
- Google search for books and articles pertaining to sport+vision
- Removal of duplicate entries
- Cleaning of entries for consistent formatting (still a work in progress).
The end result of this is a curated library that builds on the 2011 AOA Sports Vision Section Bibliography, in an attempt to capture this emerging. This is an EXHAUSTIVE bibliography, because it exhausted our capacity to build it, and now we ask for your help. Please note that this is NOT A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH, but rather a thoughtful first attempt to aggregate the literature, whose boundary conditions are not well defined, have changed over time, and will continue to change. Please review the entries and let us know if you think we missed any deserving articles, theses or books. Any convincing argument will be considered, so please email [email protected] with your input.
Compiled by: Greg Appelbaum, Sicong Liu, and Ashwin Subramaniam
Last Updated on November 7, 2019
Last Updated on November 7, 2019
- Abati, S., G. Montani, G. Balducci and C. Feleppa (1996). Eyewear and contact lenses for sports : a publication of Leonardo sports vision. Italy, Centro Stampa Edizioni.
- Abdollahipour, R., R. Psotta and W. M. Land (2016). "The Influence of Attentional Focus Instructions and Vision on Jump Height Performance." Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87(4): 408-413.
- Abernethy, B. (1986). "Enhancing sports performance through clinical and experimental optometry." Clinical & Experimental Optometry 69(5): 189-196.
- Abernethy, B. (1989). "Expert--novice differences in perception: how expert does the expert have to be?" Can J Sport Sci 14(1): 27-30.
- Abernethy, B. (1990). "Anticipation in squash: differences in advance cue utilization between expert and novice players." Journal of Sports Sciences 8(1): 17-34.
- Abernethy, B. (1990). "Expertise, visual search, and information pick-up in squash." Perception 19(1): 63-77.
- Abernethy, B. (1991). "Visual search strategies and decision-making in sport." IJSP 22(3-4): 189-210.
- Abernethy, B. (1993). "Searching for the minimal essential information for skilled perception and action." Psychol Res 55(2): 131-138.
- Abernethy, B. (1996). "Training the visual-perceptual skills of athletes. Insights from the Study of Motor Expertise." Am J Sports Med 24(6 Suppl): S89-92.
- Abernethy, B., R. Burgess-Limerick and S. Parks (1994). "Contrasting approaches to the study of motor expertise." Quest 46: 186-198.
- Abernethy, B., D. P. Gill, S. L. Parks and S. T. Packer (2001). "Expertise and the perception of kinematic and situational probability information." Perception 30(2): 233-252.
- Abernethy, B. and R. J. Neal (1999). "Visual characteristics of clay target shooters." J Sci Med Sport 2(1): 1-19.
- Abernethy, B., R. J. Neal and P. Koning (1994). "Visual–perceptual and cognitive differences between expert, intermediate, and novice snooker players." Applied Cognitive Psychology 8(3): 185-2001.
- Abernethy, B. and G. Russell (1987). "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPERTISE AND VISUAL SEARCH STRATEGY IN A RACQUET SPORT " Human Movement Science 6: 283-319.
- Abernethy, B., J. Schorer, R. C. Jackson and N. Hagemann (2012). "Perceptual training methods compared: the relative efficacy of different approaches to enhancing sport-specific anticipation." J Exp Psychol Appl 18(2): 143-153.
- Abernethy, B. and J. Wood (1992). "An assessment of the effectiveness of selected visual training programs in enhancing sports performance " National Sports Research Centre.
- Abernethy, B. and J. M. Wood (2001). "Do generalized visual training programmes for sport really work? An experimental investigation." Journal of Sports Sciences 19: 203-222.
- Abernethy, B., J. M. Wood and S. Parks (1999). "Can the anticipatory skills of experts be learned by novices?" Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 70(3): 313-318.
- Aginsky KD, N. T. (2010). "Why it is difficult to detect an illegally bowled cricket delivery with either the naked eye or usual two-dimensional video analysis." Br J Sports Med 44(6).
- Akbas, A., W. Marszalek, A. Kamieniarz, J. Polechonski, K. J. Slomka and G. Juras (2019). "Application of Virtual Reality in Competitive Athletes – A Review." Journal of Human Kinetics 69.
- Albert, J. (2017). "Visualizing baseball." Visualizing Baseball.
- Alfaro, D. V., 3rd, E. P. Jablon, M. Rodriguez Fontal, S. J. Villalba, R. E. Morris, M. Grossman and E. Roig-Melo (2005). "Fishing-related ocular trauma." Am J Ophthalmol 139(3): 488-492.
- Anderson, G. (2008). "Little League Study: The impact of sports vision training on batting performance of little league players." Sports Vision 2(1): 14-15.
- Ando, S., N. Kida and S. Oda (2001). "Central and peripheral visual reaction time of soccer players and nonathletes." Perceptual and Motor Skills 92(3 Pt 1): 786-794.
- Anshel, J. (2015). What you must know about food and supplements for optimal vision care. Garden City Park, NY, Square One Publishers.
- AOA (2014). Eyes on the Ball. AOA Focus. 1: 1-59.
- Appelbaum, L. G., M. S. Cain, J. E. Schroeder, E. F. Darling and S. R. Mitroff (2012). "Stroboscopic visual training improves information encoding in short-term memory." Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 74(8): 1681-1691.
- Appelbaum, L. G. and G. Erickson (2018). "Sports vision training: A review of the state-of-the-art in digital training techniques." International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11: 160-189.
- Appelbaum, L. G., S. Liu, S. Hilbig, K. Rankin, M. Naclario, E. Asamoa, J. LaRue and K. Burris (2018). "Sports vision training in collegiate baseball batters."
- Appelbaum, L. G., Y. Lu, R. Khanna and K. R. Detwiler (2016). "The effects of sports vision training on sensorimotor abilities in collegiate softball athletes." Athletic Training & Sports Health Care 8: 154-163.
- Appelbaum, L. G., J. E. Schroeder, M. S. Cain and S. R. Mitroff (2011). "Improved visual cognition through stroboscopic training." Frontiers in Psychology 2: 276.
- Arns, M., M. Kleinnijenhuis, K. Fallahpour and R. Breteler (2008). "Golf performance enhancement and real-life neurofeedback training using personalized event-locked EEG profiles." Journal of Neurotherapy 11: 11-18.
- Babiloni, C., C. Del Percio, M. Iacoboni, F. Infarinato, R. Lizio, N. Marzano, G. Crespi, F. Dassù, M. Pirritano, M. Gallamini and F. Eusebi (2008). "Golf putt outcomes are predicted by sensorimotor cerebral EEG rhythms." Journal of Physiology 586: 131-139.
- Babiloni, C., C. Del Percio, P. M. Rossini, N. Marzano, M. Iacoboni, F. Infarinato, R. Lizio, M. Piazza, M. Pirritano, G. Berlutti, G. Cibelli and F. Eusebi (2009). "Judgment of actions in experts: a high-resolution EEG study in elite athletes." Neuroimage 45(2): 512-521.
- Bahill, A. and T. Laritz (1984). "Why can't batters keep their eyes on the ball?" American Scientist 72: 249-253.
- Bahill, T. and W. Karnavas (1993). "The Perceptual Illusion of Baseball's Rising Fastball and Breaking Curveball." JEP 19(1): 3-14.
- Balasaheb, T., P. Maman and S. JS (2008). "The impact of visual skills training on batting performance in cricketers." Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences 2(1): 17-23.
- Ballester, R., F. Huertas, M. Uji and S. J. Bennett (2017). "Stroboscopic vision and sustained attention during coincidence-anticipation." Scientific Reports 7(1): 17898.
- Baptista, A. M. G., P. M. Serra, C. McAlinden and B. T. Barrett (2017). "Vision in high-level football officials." PLoS One 12(11): e0188463.
- Barris, S. and C. Button (2008). "A review of vision-based motion analysis in sport." Sports Med 38(12): 1025-1043.
- Beauchamp, P. and J. Faubert (2011). Visual perception training: cutting edge psychophysics and 3D technology applied to sport science. P. D. John Kolb.
- Beckerman, S. and S. A. Hitzeman (2003). "Sports vision testing of selected athletic participants in the 1997 and 1998 AAU Junior Olympic Games." Optometry 74(8): 502-516.
- Beckerman, S. A. and S. Hitzeman (2001). "The ocular and visual characteristics of an athletic population." Optometry 72(8): 498-509.
- Behan, M. and M. Wilson (2008). "State anxiety and visual attention: the role of the quiet eye period in aiming to a far target." Journal of Sports Sciences 26(2): 207-215.
- Belling, P., J. Sada and P. Ward (2015). Assessing Hitting Skill in Baseball using Simulated and Representative Tasks International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making McLean, VA: 1-5.
- Belling, P. and P. Ward (2015). "Time to start training: A review of cognitive research in sport and bridging the gap from academia to the field." Procedia Manufacturing: 1219-1224.
- Bennett, S., D. Ashford, N. Rioja, J. Coull and D. Elliott (2006). "Integration of intermittent visual samples over time and between the eyes." J Mot Behav 38(6): 439-450.
- Bennett, S., D. Ashford, N. Rioja and D. Elliott (2004). "Intermittent vision and one-handed catching: the effect of general and specific task experience." J Mot Behav 36(4): 442-449.
- Bennett, S., C. Button, D. Kingsbury and K. Davids (1999). "Manipulating visual informational constraints during practice enhances the acquisition of catching skill in children." Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport70(3): 220-232.
- Bennett, S. and K. Davids (1995). "The manipulation of vision during the powerlift squat: exploring the boundaries of the specificity of learning hypothesis." Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 66(3): 210-218.
- Beran, R. F., C. Stewart and J. Doty (1995). "Refractive surgery and the athlete." J Ophthalmic Nurs Technol 14(1): 11-16.
- Berg, W. P. and S. M. Killian (1995). "Size of the visual field in collegiate fast-pitch softball players and nonathletes." Perceptual and Motor Skills 81(3 Pt 2): 1307-1312.
- Berka, C., A. Behneman, N. Kintz, R. Johnson and G. Raphael (2010). "Accelerating training using interactive neuro-educational technologies: Applications to archery, golf and rifle marksmanship." International Journal of Sport and Society 1: 87-104.
- Berry, J., B. Abernethy and J. Cote (2008). "The contribution of structured activity and deliberate play to the development of expert perceptual and decision-making skill." Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 30(6): 685-708.
- Bianco, M., A. S. Vaiano, F. Colella, F. Coccimiglio, M. Moscetti, V. Palmieri, F. Focosi, P. Zeppilli and P. F. Vinger (2005). "Ocular complications of boxing." Br J Sports Med 39(2): 70-74; discussion 70-74.
- Bideau. B., R. Kulpa, N. Vignais, S. Brault and F. Multon (2010). "Using Virtual Reality to Analyze Sports Performance." IEEE Computer Society 64-71.
- Bijman, M. P., J. J. Fisher and L. A. Vallis (2016). "How does visual manipulation affect obstacle avoidance strategies used by athletes?" Journal of Sports Sciences 34(10): 915-922.
- Binsch, O., R. R. Oudejans, F. C. Bakker and G. J. Savelsbergh (2010). "Ironic effects and final target fixation in a penalty shooting task." Human Movement Science 29(2): 277-288.
- Block, S. S., S. A. Beckerman and P. E. Berman (1997). "Vision profile of the athletes of the 1995 Special Olympics World Summer Games." J Am Optom Assoc 68(11): 699-708.
- Boden, L. M., K. J. Rosengren, D. F. Martin and S. D. Boden (2009). "A comparison of static near stereo acuity in youth baseball/softball players and non-ball players." Optometry 80(3): 121-125.
- Bootsma, R. J., L. Fernandez, A. H. Morice and G. Montagne (2010). "Top-level players' visual control of interceptive actions: Bootsma and van Wieringen (1990) 20 years later." J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 36(4): 1056-1063; discussion 1064-1056.
- Bowen, T. and L. Horth (2005). "Use of the eyeport vision training system to enhance the visual performance of little league baseball players " JBO 16(6): 143-148.
- Bressan, E. S. (2003). "Effects of visual skills training, vision coaching and sports vision dynamics on the performance of a sport skill." African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance 9(1): 20-31.
- Broadbent, D. P., J. Causer, A. M. Williams and P. R. Ford (2015). "Perceptual-cognitive skill training and its transfer to expert performance in the field: future research directions." Eur J Sport Sci 15(4): 322-331.
- Bulson, R. C., K. J. Ciuffreda and G. K. Hung (2008). "The effect of retinal defocus on golf putting." Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 28(4): 334-344.
- Burris, K., K. Vittetoe, B. Ramger, S. Suresh, S. T. Tokdar, J. P. Reiter and L. G. Appelbaum (2018). "Sensorimotor abilities predict on-field performance in professional baseball." Scientific Reports 8: 116.
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- Caillet, G., G. Bosser, G. C. Gauchard, N. Chau, L. Benamghar and P. P. Perrin (2006). "Effect of sporting activity practice on susceptibility to motion sickness." Brain Res Bull 69(3): 288-293.
- Campayo-Piernas, M., C. Caballero, D. Barbado and R. Reina (2017). "Role of vision in sighted and blind soccer players in adapting to an unstable balance task." Experimental Brain Research 235(4): 1269-1279.
- Canãl-Bruland, R., M. A. Filius and R. R. D. Oudejans (2015). "Sitting on a fastball." Journal of Motor Behavior.
- Casanova, F., J. Oliveira, M. Williams and J. Garganta (2009). "Expertise and perceptual-cognitive performance in soccer: A review." Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 9: 115-122.
- Castaneda, B. and R. Gray (2007). "Effects of focus of attention on baseball batting performance in players of differing skill levels." Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 29(1): 60-77.
- Causer, J., S. J. Bennett, P. S. Holmes, C. M. Janelle and A. M. Williams (2010). "Quiet eye duration and gun motion in elite shotgun shooting." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 42: 1599-1608.
- Cervino, A., J. M. Gonzalez-Meijome, J. M. Linhares, S. L. Hosking and R. Montes-Mico (2008). "Effect of sport-tinted contact lenses for contrast enhancement on retinal straylight measurements." Ophthalmic Physiol Opt28(2): 151-156.
- Chang, T. T., K. J. Ciuffreda and N. Kapoor (2007). "Critical flicker frequency and related symptoms in mild traumatic brain injury." Brain Inj 21(10): 1055-1062.
- Cheron, G., G. Petit, J. Cheron, A. Leroy, A. Cebolla, C. Cevallos, M. Petieau, T. Hoellinger, D. Zarka, A.-M. Clarinval and B. Dan (2016). "Brain oscillations in sport: Toward EEG biomarkers of performance." Frontiers in Psychology 7: 246.
- Chong, C. C. and A. A. Chang (2006). "Traumatic optic nerve avulsion and central retinal artery occlusion following rugby injury." Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34(1): 88-89.
- Ciuffreda, K. J. (2011). "Simple eye-hand reaction time in the retinal periphery can be reduced with training." Eye Contact Lens 37(3): 145-146.
- Ciuffreda, K. J., N. Kapoor, D. Rutner, I. B. Suchoff, M. E. Han and S. Craig (2007). "Occurrence of oculomotor dysfunctions in acquired brain injury: a retrospective analysis." Optometry 78(4): 155-161.
- Ciuffreda, K. J., D. P. Ludlam, P. Thiagarajan, N. K. Yadav and J. Capo-Aponte (2014). "Proposed objective visual system biomarkers for mild traumatic brain injury." Mil Med 179(11): 1212-1217.
- Ciuffreda, K. J. and B. Wang (2004). Vision training and sports. Biomedical Engineering Principles in Sports. G. K. Hung. New York, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.
- Clark, J., P. Graman, J. Killis, R. Mangine, J. Rauch, B. Bixemann, K. Hasselfield, J. Divine, A. Colosimo and G. Myer (2015). "An Exploratory Study of the Potential Effects of Vision Training on Concussion Incidence in Football." O&VP 3(2): 116-125.
- Clark, J. F., A. Colosimo, J. K. Ellis, R. Mangine, B. Bixenmann, K. Hasselfeld, P. Graman, H. Elgendy, G. Myer and J. Divine (2015). "Vision training methods for sports concussion mitigation and management." J Vis Exp(99): e52648.
- Clark, J. F., H. T. Elgendy-Peerman, J. G. Divine, R. E. Mangine, K. A. Hasselfeld, J. C. Khoury and A. J. Colosimo (2017). "Lack of eye discipline during headers in high school girls soccer: A possible mechanism for increased concussion rates." Med Hypotheses 100: 10-14.
- Clark, J. F., J. K. Ellis, J. Bench, J. Khoury and P. Graman (2012). "High-performance vision training improves batting statistics for University of Cincinnati baseball players." PLoS One 7(1): e29109.
- Classe, J. G., L. P. Semes, K. M. Daum, R. Nowakowski, L. J. Alexander, J. Wisniewski, J. A. Beisel, K. Mann, R. Rutstein, M. Smith and A. Bartolucci (1997). "Association between visual reaction time and batting, fielding, and earned run averages among players of the Southern Baseball League." J Am Optom Assoc 68(1): 43-49.
- Clements, J. M., R. Kopper, D. J. Zielinski, H. Rao, M. A. Sommer, E. Kirsch, B. O. Mainsah, L. M. Collins and L. G. Appelbaum (2018). Neurophysiology of visual-motor learning during a simulated marksmanship task in immersive virtual reality. 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2018 - Proceedings. Reutlingen, Germany.
- Connor, J. D., R. G. Crowther and W. H. Sinclair (2018). "Effect of Different Evasion Maneuvers on Anticipation and Visual Behavior in Elite Rugby League Players." Motor Control 22(1): 18-27.
- Cooper, S. C., J. A. Smith, M. Katz and J. Preston (2001). "Nonprescription tinted eyewear optical accuracy study." Optometry 72(8): 510-518.
- Coudereau, J. P., N. Gueguen, M. Pratte and E. Sampaio (2006). "Tactile precision in right-handed archery experts with visual disabilities: a pseudoneglect effect?" Laterality 11(2): 170-180.
- Croft, J. L., C. Button and M. Dicks (2010). "Visual strategies of sub-elite cricket batsmen in response to different ball velocities." Human Movement Science 29: 751-763.
- Croix, G., D. Chollet and R. Thouvarecq (2010). "Effect of expertise level on the perceptual characteristics of gymnasts." J Strength Cond Res 24(6): 1458-1463.
- Crowe, M. and D. O'Connor (2001). "Eye colour and reaction time to visual stimuli in rugby league players." Perceptual and Motor Skills 93(2): 455-460.
- Danion, F., A. Boyadjian and L. Marin (2000). "Control of locomotion in expert gymnasts in the absence of vision." Journal of Sports Sciences 18(10): 809-814.
- Davids, K., G. Salvelsbergh, S. J. Bennett and J. Van der Kamp (2002). Interceptive actions in sport: Theoretical perspectives and practical applications. Interceptive actions in sport: Information and movement. J. V. d. K. S.J. Bennett. New York, Routledge.
- Davlin, C. D., W. A. Sands and B. B. Shultz (2001). "The role of vision in control of orientation in a back tuck somersault." Motor Control 5(4): 337-346.
- de Oliveira, R. F., R. Huys, R. R. Oudejans, R. van de Langenberg and P. J. Beek (2007). "Basketball jump shooting is controlled online by vision." Exp Psychol 54(3): 180-186.
- Decroix, M., M. Wazir, L. Zeuwts, F. Deconinck, M. Lenoir and P. Vansteenkiste (2017). "Expert - Non-expert differences in visual behaviour during alpine slalom skiing." Human Movement Science 55: 229-239.
- Demura, S., N. Tada, J. Matsuzawa, H. Mikami, T. Ohuchi, H. Shirane, Y. Nagasawa and M. Uchiyama (2006). "The influence of gender, athletic events, and athletic experience on the subjective dominant hand and the determination of the dominant hand based on the laterality quotient (LQ) and the validity of the LQ." J Physiol Anthropol 25(5): 321-329.
- Deshaies, P. and D. Pargman (1976). "Selected visual abilities of college football players." Perceptual and Motor Skills 43(3 pt. 1): 904-906.
- Dessing, J. C. and C. M. Craig (2010). "Bending it like Beckham: how to visually fool the goalkeeper." PLoS One 5(10): e13161.
- Deveau, J., D. J. Ozer and A. R. Seitz (2014). "Improved vision and on-field performance in baseball through perceptual learning." Current Biology 24(4): R146-147.
- Dimmig, J. W. and G. Tabin (2003). "The ascent of Mount Everest following laser in situ keratomileusis." J Refract Surg 19(1): 48-51.
- Dogan, B. (2009). "Multiple-choice reaction and visual perception in female and male elite athletes." J Sports Med Phys Fitness 49(1): 91-96.
- Eccles, D. W. (2006). "Thinking outside of the box: The role of environmental adaptation in the acquisition of skilled and expert performance." Journal of Sports Sciences 24: 1103-1114.
- Eccles, D. W., S. E. Walsh and D. K. Ingledew (2006). "Visual attention in orienteers at different levels of experience." Journal of Sports Sciences 24: 77-87.
- Eime, R. M., C. F. Finch, C. A. Sherman and A. P. Garnham (2002). "Are squash players protecting their eyes?" Inj Prev 8(3): 239-241.
- Elmurr, P. (2011). "The relationship of vision and skilled movement-a general review using cricket batting." Eye Contact Lens 37(3): 164-166.
- Enders, H., F. Cortese, C. Maurer, J. Baltich, A. B. Protzner and B. M. Nigg (2016). "Changes in cortical activity measured with EEG during a high-intensity cycling exercise." Journal of Neurophysiology 115: 379-388.
- Ericcson, K. A. (2003). How the expert performance approach differs from traditional approaches to expertise in sport: In search of a shared theoretical framework for studying expert performance. Expert performance in sports: advances in research on sport expertise. K. A. E. J. L. Starkes. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics: 371–402.
- Ericcson, K. A., R. T. Krampe and C. Tesch-Romer (1993). "The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance." Psychological Review 100(3): 363-406.
- Erickson, G. (2018). "Optimizing Visual Performance for Sport." Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry 3: 1-19.
- Erickson, G. B. (2007). Sports vision : vision care for the enhancement of sports performance. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Erickson, G. B. (2012). "Give athletes a shot at better vision: whether they shoot foul shots or target rifles, your athletic patients require the best vision to stay at the top of their game." Review of Optometry 149(5).
- Erickson, G. B., K. Citek, M. Cove, J. Wilczek, C. Linster, B. Bjarnason and N. Langemo (2011). "Reliability of a computer-based system for measuring visual performance skills." Optometry 82(9): 528-542.
- Erickson, G. B., F. C. Horn, T. Barney, B. Pexton and R. Y. Baird (2009). "Visual performance with sport-tinted contact lenses in natural sunlight." Optom Vis Sci 86(5): 509-516.
- Eriksson, M., K. A. Halvorsen and L. Gullstrand (2011). "Immediate effect of visual and auditory feedback to control the running mechanics of well-trained athletes." Journal of Sports Sciences 29(3): 253-262.
- Fadde, P. J. (2006). "Interactive Video Training of PerceptualDecision-Making in the Sport of Baseball." Tech Inst., Cognition and Learning 4: 237-256.
- Fadde, P. J. (2016). "Instructional Design for Accelerated Macrocognitive Expertise in the Baseball Workplace." Frontiers in Psychology 7: 292.
- Farrow, D. and B. Abernethy (2002). "Can anticipatory skills be learned through implicitvideo based perceptual training?" JSS 20(6): 471-485.
- Farrow, D., B. Abernethy and R. C. Jackson (2005). "Probing expert anticipation with the temporal occlusion paradigm: experimental investigations of some methodological issues." Motor Control 9(3): 332-351.
- Faubert, J. (2013). "Professional athletes have extraordinary skills for rapidly learning complex and neutral dynamic visual scenes." Scientific Reports 3: 1154.
- Faubert, J. and P. Beauchamp (2011). "Visual Perception Training: Cutting Edge Psychophysics and 3D Technology Applied to Sport Science." HP Circuit e-Journal: 1-14.
- Finch, C. and P. Vear (1998). "What do adult squash players think about protective eyewear?" Br J Sports Med 32(2): 155-161.
- Fink, P. W., P. S. Foo and W. H. Warren (2009). "Catching fly balls in virtual reality: A critical test of the outfielder problem." Journal of Vision 9: 1-14.
- Fleddermann, M. T., H. Heppe and K. Zentgraf (2019). "Off-Court Generic Perceptual-Cognitive Training in Elite Volleyball Athletes: Task-Specific Effects and Levels of Transfer." Frontiers in Psychology 10: 1599.
- Flynn, T. H., K. Fennessy, N. Horgan, B. Walsh, E. O'Connell, P. Cleary and S. Beatty (2005). "Ocular injury in hurling." Br J Sports Med 39(8): 493-496; discussion 496.
- Fonn, D. (2011). "A special issue on sports vision." Eye Contact Lens 37(3): 113.
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